Converting Video in HD

1 Nov 2003
Lisbon, Portugal
Hey folks not sure if this is the right forum. but basically i video'ed a fair bit with my video camera last night just messing around and that, and i was wondering if anyone knew how to go about converting the video in HD, now ive got my main windows machine and my iBook here so if i need Mac OSX i can use it.

anyone got any ideas how to go about it?

Cheers :)
Caged said:
Am I understanding that you want to convert your camcorder stuff recorded at PAL DV res into an HD format? Or you recorded in HDV or whatever and are looking to get it onto a computer?

Getting it onto the computer isnt a problem, firewire cable and job done, its converting it into an HD format, i no it can be done as a friend of mine did it with some footage but i havent been able to contact him.
Caged said:
Yeah that was going to be my response if you were just using a DV camcorder. Scaling it up won't do anything.

oh i thought otherwise.

fair enough :) cheers anyway guys
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