Converting WMV (Windows Media Video) to play on standard DVD player



8 Nov 2003
Ok folks i have a serious problem i need to sort out by tonight. I have made (am still making) a video for work that i need to show to a large audience tomorrow.

My problem is that i need to show it on a standard home DVD player but it is currently in .WMV format. Whats my chances of:
A) Converting the files to play on a home DVD player? I think they are .VOB files?
B) Getting it converted to DIVX so it can play on a DIVX DVD player?

All help will appreciated and time is running out. I'll be replying during the day :)


Winavi will do both perfectly for you :D

Just select the convert to DVD option, and select the wmv file and it will output a folder with audio_ts and video_ts folders. To burn just go into Nero and select the DVD-video burning option under DVD, and copy the video_ts folder over. (audio_ts will be empty, dont need that)

To play on DivX player, select the convert to avi option in Winavi, it should automatically use DivX to encode anyway, but you can click advanced to check. Burn in Nero as DVD-ROM(ISO) under DVD, (basically as a data dvd) and should play fine in your DivX player :)

Good luck with your presentation :)
I've just noticed that saving the finished video as 'DV-AVI (PAL)' might help. I thought you could only save as '.WMV' in Windows Movie Maker 2 but this saves it as .AVI
Will this help?
If you save it as DV-AVI it will be far better quality depending on what your source is, I'm assuming you've edited a video tape or something? I thought windows movie maker has an option to export to dvd?
Cheers for the help guys. I went for DVD Santa in the end as it simple to use and produces high quality output compared to Nero.
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