Convince me to buy a 360 (or not)

13 Sep 2005
Convince me to buy a 360 (ordered and on its way now :)

Ok im making this thread because I need help in more than one way, but this particular help I need is should I buy a x360. im probably not the only person in these forums who's bought something and ended up either not using it or using it very little i mean the shiny thing syndrome(where you have to have the latest toy just because-not that you need more of a reason :D ).

I've currently got a high end PC which i play a lot of BF2 on and a PS2 which mainly gets used for Fifa, i am a sony fanboy by my own admission (psp, ps1+2 etc) but that does'nt mean I wouldnt have bill's box in my house ;). I have the money but im maybe thinking the xbox would'nt drag me away from the pc and PS2 enought to warrent buying one, that and the fact the PS3 is probably 12 months off.

I would be using the 360 on my 2405fpw monitor so which cable will give me the best picture?, as im not buying a new tv for my living room till nearer when the ps 3 comes out. I would be running the sound through into my pc speakers via the 2 phono into 3.5mm jack cable i have.

From reading the stuff about xbox live and some of the games it sounds great and im thinking maybe im missing out a lot by not buying one, so convince me I NEED an xbox 360 :cool: .
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he he, ok im not glued to the ps2 I just love playing 2 player fifa(just need to find a friend :p) for some reason im having a dispute with myself on weather to buy the 360 hence the post.
Ok if im getting one it will be now even i know a premium pack for a hundred quid less than one of my gpu is worth the money, on the subject of my monitor its the dell 2405 and i need to know what cable is best for it and will it show 720p or which ever setting it is in proper HDTV(good quality). As for the game titles there are a couple i would be intrested in certainly enought to keep me busy for a while.

Dont make me get my fire extinguisher out :)
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Ok thanks for the replys they have been a great help and ive now decided that im going to try and get a 360 asap(if i can find one), been looking to get a premium pack and pgr to start with seems no where online has them at the moment other than in bundles with 3+ games. Going to ring round all the shops local to me this morning and see if i can get hold of one so wish me luck im gonna need it :p .
They are only selling them in bundles(game that is) from what ive seen and dont want to be forced into buying 2 games i dont really want, but it maybe the only way to get one eventually.
Been ringing round again this morning with no joy, should have called this topic "convince me to buy a xbox 360 that no one has in stock" , well fingers crossed it wont be too long of a wait. ;)
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I just ordered one online from game(can i say there name? ) they are in stock its says less than 10 units when i ordered mine, i've gone for the premium 360 a wireless control and DOA 4 cost £344. Just need to get pgr 3 and ill be happy :) (well happier).

Only 2 left according to the web site now(13:20)
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Nismo said:
Yup, without being on the Gold service you cant play against anyone.


Better get it ordered, saying that at least they give out a free month to let you find out if you like it (and to get you hooked - dirty pushers :D )

Any idea when i should expect my console? never bought from them before doubt there service is as good as that of Ocuk.
NokkonWud said:
I would guess Tuesday.

Thats fair enough just got a mail from them saying its all packed and on its way to parcelforce, wonder if it will be in the parcelforce near me for the morning, doubt there open saturday morning but i might be wrong.
dannyjo22 said:
You ******* Ive still been trying all day. At work almost all pictures are blocked on the internet so I couldnt see what was in stock online. Game are telling me tuesday at the latest for more premiums.

The gits didnt send me an email to say they had them back in stock :(

Parcelforce is open on saturdays. You lucky *******

Sorry danny i did post on here for your benefit hoping you could get one too, sure it wont be long you have to wait tho. Im pretty sure ill end up with both consoles too eventually when sony pull there finger out :rolleyes: . I used a web site which shows where there in stock i car'nt put link as they link to ipod so competition for Ocuk.
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