cook books

29 Jun 2004
Looking to buy a cook book for the old dear for xmas. Not got a clue which one to get. She cooks mainly cakes so any advice would be great. Or shall i just head over to the rainforest and purchase one.
I'd get her Great British Bake Off: How to Bake: The Perfect Victoria Sponge and Other Baking Secrets as it's got everything a home-baker needs and then some. It's barely been out of my kitchen since I picked it up.

Second choice would be either Mary Berry's Baking Bible as it's a classic, or my new favourite The Boy Who Bakes, which is an impressive debut from the chap who won the first series of Great British Bake Off.

Then you've got the The Primrose Bakery Book and The Hummingbird Bakery Cake Days: Recipes to make every day special which are both decent choices, albeit slightly swayed towards 'fancy' cakes and could be too specific.

And lastly there's Baking Made Easy, which offers a nice varied range of bakes and has a large selection of new things to try out. Highly recommended, that one.

That is super thanks for that. Will be looking to get her one of the books you mentioned, most probably the first.
Acid she likes baking cakes,don't think she needs pictures or stuff about regions. Thanks both for the input.
You really can't go wrong with Great British Bake Off: How to Bake. And you even get free access, via download from the publishers website, to a load of recipes from the show that didn't quite make it into the book.

At £20 it's a bargain, at £10 it's a steal.

Just ordered it, and also the baking bible.i like the idea of downloading recipes. Cheers for sorting my xmas pressie out:)
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