Cookie Clicker game

1 Aug 2005
It's been a while since I saw a java/flash game thread here, and this game is rather addictive. The aim is to, basically, make as many cookies as possible as fast as possible.

You start off with one cookie baked per click, and through a variety of exponents, powerups and production lines it can rise to seemingly infinite quantities. I'm currently on 5 million per second and rising.

There's even a Wiki for the thing.
I don't get it, I just click the cookie repeatedly?

To start, then once you've done it a few times you can 'buy' a cursor, which will do it for you automatically every few seconds. Then you can get more cursors, and then other things, like getting a grandma to bake cookies for you, building farms, digging cookie mines etc. After a while you build a minor empire of workers doing it and the numbers go crazy.
Buying cursors, Grandma's and Farms are pointless until it effects your click per asset, in which case they are the cheapest asset to buy. I skip all of them and go straight for a factory, gets me levelled up in no time.

Edit: it saved my game, I am on 802,000,000 (rounded up to nearest million) per second, no cheats, took me a few hours.
Buying cursors, Grandma's and Farms are pointless until it effects your click per asset, in which case they are the cheapest asset to buy. I skip all of them and go straight for a factory, gets me levelled up in no time.

Edit: it saved my game, I am on 802,000,000 (rounded up to nearest million) per second, no cheats, took me a few hours.

Elaborate, what are you doing here? I have a few of everything, maybe I should sell some stuff.
my current progress


Had it running on my work pc overnight for a few days.
I got up into the billions or high millions per second but then I cleared my cookies (ironic) because I'd forgot about it and it wiped my game. I had about 40 antimatter condensors and close to a hundred of most of th eother bits.

I've got a save from a few days ago but I can't be arsed really.

I also used an auto clicker overnight doing a click every 8 milliseconds, I was getting about 11 million per click.

It got a bit silly so I'm off it.
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Pah, amateurs. I'm at 8.8 Billion cookies per second and ~350 million per click, I have every upgrade except for the last milk upgrade (and i'm well over half way to the 900 trillion target) and I have over 100 of every building except for the time machine and the antimatter condenser (I have 90 and 72 of them)

also, i found a clever way to get the 'click super fast' achievement. since it is not physically possible for my mouse to click twice in 0.004s i activated the keyboard controlled mouse, then just used both to click and eventually two of the clicks were close enough together.

now i just elave the game running in another tab because it isnt exactly the most exciting of games
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Reset the stats and you can get prestige points :-) (Apparently... I haven't done that yet, a friend has).

Had my 2nd PC running this for weeks now lol.
op im going to hunt you down and beat you to death with a stale cookie, why did you introduce this stupid game into my life.

cant put it down ffs
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