Cookie help

1 Jul 2007
So whenever I try to make cookies they always end up crispy and hard like biscuits, and sadly with a burnt bottom.
Is this just a case of leaving them in for too long? I think it's due to me not really understanding when golden is golden enough.
Other problem is the they don't end up with the textured tops like super markets and pictures, end up just smooth.

So, yeah, suggestions?
This one:

Admittedly used only a 100g of chocolate (didn't buy enough and was too lazy to walk back to shop) and 25g more of butter since the pack came in a 250g size.

It could also be a fact of not having a dedicated baking try, so used the tray that fits the oven (the type that usually has the wire rack on it) cleaned it up, and laid grease proof paper on it.
Done a secon small batch, from the frozen dough, and they look better ontop, underneath still look a tad....crispy. Will give them a few mins to cool down before I try one.

I also couldn't get a soft brown sugar so got dimera instead, could this also be giving an issue?
That will be down to a combination of over-working the mixture, getting your quantities wrong and cooking them for too long at the wrong temperature.

And that points towards the mixture being too wet, which is no wonder if you've left out 250g of chocolate.
Cheers, so if I wanted to replace chocolate with say nut's it'll have to be weight for weight.

Follow the recipe and get the right ingredients. Successful baking relies upon exact weights, measurements and technique.

I was going to counter that, but then realised you said baking and not cooking :p
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