Cooking for friends...

20 Sep 2009
Got a few people coming round later, what can I cook them?!

It has to be either fish, chicken or lamb.

Normally I'd do something like a moussaka or fish pie as I can just bung it all in a dish and its easy to time... Maybe a veggie canneloni? Bit boring though...

Any other ideas? I feel like the above are a bit wintery! The simpler the better, but gotta taste good.
Bar - Never cooked a rack of lamb, bit expensive too;) Thanks though

garlic chicken sounds good, Maybe with some nice salading and chipped potatoes?

Efour - We have a winner!

I get around - I'll pass on the curry;) He cooked one for us last week as well. Also, I'd have to go and buy a ton of spices.

Tagine would be nice but we all had that last week too!

Currently thinking a chicken pie maybe...
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