Cooking ideas – youth group…

5 Jun 2005
Been doing cooking with a youth group on a run down estate near me for over a year now, completely run out of ideas for what to cook…..

Criteria – prep – cook – cool in about 70mins!

Making it hard for food that needs to be cooled/chilled….

Some of the things I have made

Chop chip cookies
Gingerbread men
Banana cake
Rock cakes
Sausage rolls
Home made burgers

Furthermore not to pricey as it comes out my pocket :D
we used to make bread at a group like that - we'd plait it or make it into a hedgehog shape or whatever. we were quite young so i guess you could update the shapes some what to their tastes. take about 20mins to cook i think if u do small roll type shapes. taste amazing just out the oven too!

if theyre teenagers i bet theyd love to be taught how to do a quick curry - could omit the meat to make it cheaper maybe?
find out what they like to eat and make nice homeade versions - like you did with burgers, you could make homemade healthy kebabs, breaded chicken, curry etc. Good way of getting people interested in cooking
This is the trouble I have with cooking classes, it's a great idea to learn how to cook, but gingerbread men aren't all that practical.

I agree with Skidder, try and go with things that they'd actually be likely to cook.

How about a nice Sauteé?
The art of an Omelette?
Scrambled eggs?
How to cook from leftovers?
Home made burgers would be a good one, its pretty simple and probably something most of them will like.

Maybe some sort of freshly made kebabs.

Show its cheaper to make your own than go down the shop, everyone learns a little something from the experiance.
Chicken Casserole! Might need to pre-cook the chicken though i guess.

Used to do awesome cooking at Scouts (shhhh!), was that that drove me to being a Chef!
You could do what I'm doing with my Scout troop this evening, though it will take less than your alloted time.

Baffle them all with the wonder that is Baked Alaska :)

Used to do awesome cooking at Scouts (shhhh!), was that that drove me to being a Chef!
I remember winning our district cooking competition. It was times like that, that have ultimately led me to become a Scout leader.
Egg Fried Rice, Meat/Fish Fried Rice
Spag Bol
Pasta Dish (tomato, basil and parma ham or similar)
Bangers and mash
Toad in the Hole

Take-away dishes and simple meals that an idiot can cook nicely (but are difficult to make excellent) essentially.
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