Cooking - Simple pasta sauce.

5 Jul 2003
Atlanta, USA
Morning everyone,
I was just watching telly and that Philadelphia advert came on with the 'simple things to cook with philli'...took a gander at their recipe website: Surely making a simple creamy pasta sauce isnt as simple as a blob of crème cheesy, milk, parmesan, stir for a min, dump on pasta...?

Or, more to the point, and suggestions for a simple to make sauce along the same lines if its not? lol.

Sounds interesting...looking at something simpler there though to start off with. :-p

What's the process for a creamy sauce...
Blob of crème cheese in pan, bit of milk, parmesan, stir whilst on low heat, add in chopped ham, then wack on cooked pasta and stir, then serve?
No, you're right, it's even simpler than that!

Fry some bacon, chuck a couple of egg yolks over the hot drained pasta and stir in, add the bacon and some parmesan and you have...

...actual Carbonara done the proper way :cool:
Just googled Carbonara cooking instructions, its a dam sight more involved than that!

Tempted to just get something out of a tin. :p
Its not a case of fear, its a case of time.
I do normal pasta all the time with some very simple sauces that literally take me minutes to make, but when i plan on having this meal, later tonight with the other half, i wont have a lot of time to work with, 30mins tops, that that includes the making of a few other dishes at the same time!
A splash of olive oil and a drizzle of balsamic vinegar finished off with some freshly milled black pepper ought to suffice.

You really don't need a heavy sauce with filled pasta.
My usual light sauce is:
Blob of butter, bit of grated parmesan, black pepper, blast in microwave to melt the butter, stir, chuck in with Pasta, job done.

That should suffice shouldnt it?
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