Cooking - Slow Cooker Curry

4 Jun 2007
Erm, at a computer.
I bought a slow cooker out of Argos about 3 months ago after hearing good things about them from a mate, and it is by far the best piece of cooking equipment iv ever purchased.


Have cooked loads of stuff in it from melt in your mouth lamb / beef joints for a baked dinner to lancashire hot pot, and i aint had a duff meal out of it yet.

Im abit of a curry fan and thought id try a basic tikka massala in the slowcooker and was fairly happy with the result.

My curry consist's of:

Chicken breast cut into cubes
200 Grams of potatoes diced into 2cm cubes
Chopped tomatoes
3 cloves of garlic - minced
2 onions
300 ml single cream
1/2 Jar of Tikka massala paste
Glug of olive oil

I personally like my curry's very mild, so most people would probably want to add chillies & peppers as well.


Add the tikka paste to the slow cooker with a little water. Add the chicken, onions, potatoes, garlic, chopped tomatoes and a glug of olive oil and give it all a good stir.


Cook for 8 hours on low. 30 mins before serving add the cream and fresh corriander.

While it wasnt perfect and i forgot to get the corriander, overall i was happy enough with it, it needs refining abit with trial and error, but it is worth a try.


If anyones got any decent slow cooker recipes id love to see them posted on here, and for those of you who like a perfectly cooked, melt in your mouth meat joint - get yourself a slowcooker abit sharpish!
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Just done something similar myself this morning, only difference is I made a paste myself and added it to chopped and blitzed tomatoes / sweated onions / garlic / chilli (all the usual ingedients), bit of water, add the chicken, lightly dusted and fried in garam masala before it goes in (literally just to seal it) and leave on low for about 8 hours :)

Also, I find Olive Oil is fine, just use a light (i.e. cheap) one, not virgin, the light stuff has little flavour.

Let us know how it turns out mate.
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