Cooking Spag bol with skeeterpsa [with pics]

24 Oct 2005
North East
Evening all.

Thought i would try my hand at a cook report like some other peeps here do. Now before people comment i do realise my kitchen isn't in the best of shape when doing this so please don't comment about the state its in. Also this is my first time doing a report like this so if i have missed anything im sorry. I have tried to be as thorough as possible.

Serves aprox 4 normal portions.


6 Fresh medium large tomatoes.
Small pack of mince.
1 Onion Chopped.
Few basil leafs.
Hand bunch of parsley.
Mixed herbs.
Salt and pepper.
Grated parmesan cheese for garnish.
1 tin of plum tomatoes.
Spaghetti any type.

1. Prepare the ingredients.



2. Diced the toms up real nice like so.


3. Heat a little oil in a frying pan and use medium heat. Let it get nice and hot and then add the mince. Add salt and pepper. Carefully remove excess fat when done and is a nice brown.


4. While the mince is cooking bring a pan with some olive oil (i didn't have any so used normal oil) to heat on medium. Add the chopped onion and if it sizzles then that's a good sign. Leave for few mins stirring now and then till cooked through. Add the tomatoes, basil and parsley, mixed herbs to the pan and the tin of plum toms and simmer for 30 mins.


5. After 30 mins use a hand blender and mix up the sauce. Like so.


6. Then we add the mince and simmer for one hour to thicken. To get to this stage.


7. About 20 mins before the sauce is finished whack another pan on with some water and salt and oil and bring to the boil and add the spaghetti of choice.

8. When the spaghetti is done drain well then pour over a kettles worth of hot water over and leave it for a min or two.


9. Move the spaghetti and sauce to the plate of choice and garnish with grated cheese.



Tuck in. :)
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That looks fantastic.

I just committed a cardinal sin by taking some of my wife's immensely tasty homemade bolognese, making a triple-layer sandwich with it and adding a load of red leicester.

It was delicious. :cool:
On my large portions, 1. :p With enough sauce for another meal later. Can make 4 easy enough tho with regular peoples portions. :p

About the cheese, it wasn't too much for me but of course its based on personal taste so add as much or little as you like.
Looks nice. I make it similar but add some red wine, garlic, mushrooms, peppers, beef stock and a chilli for a bit of zing. Hmm maybe not so similar :D.
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