Cooking With Acidhell2: White Chocolate Ganache Bombs With Orange

30 Jun 2007

A while back you mentioned you where going to be trying to make white chocolate ganache bombs (with orange iirc) did you ever make them, if so can you post the recipe up.

This forum is slightly annoying as i never notice it exists :(

coking needs to come back to gd.
I thought it would fail, we certainly do not get the same amount of foot passage and that looks good replies. However it does seem to have enough interest to keep going at an ok speed.

Anyway back to original question, now this is a new dish, so all quantities are guess work and probably need tweaking once i've tasted it.

quantities I've used so far.

White chocolate gnash thing
200g milkybar
200ml extra thick double cream
1 cap vanilla essence

Orange syrup
1cup orange juice (2 lareg oranges)
rind of one large orange
1/2 cup sugar
couple of shots of Cointreau



in a sauce pan add a little water 1/2cm and bring to a simmer, turn heat off. Place glass bowl on top(ensure it doesnt touch water), place chocolate into bowl and allow to melt. Do not stir. Only give it a couple of stirs once it's almost all melted.

remove bowl from pan and allow to cool for bout two minutes, then mix in the cream, you need to be fast as the cold cream will set the chocolate into lumps. unless you mix very fast.

place a little of the gnash into each mould and tap flat, then place in freezer.

Orange syrup.


Put your orange juice, sugar and orange rind into a pan and bring to a simmer.

Allow to reduce by about half, probably a medium syrup consistency

Strain and allow to cool in fridge.

Wrap your little mould in cling-film well

Pour syrup into mould then place in freezer, I'm hopping it doesn't crystallise out, I don't think it will but who knows.


Place the sugar in a pan and heat up without stiring till it melts and darkens.

Stir in pistachios, then tip out on a silicon sheet.
It'll be a little White dome, which when you cut into it orange syrup should flow out. I shall put the pralines in a food processor and just pulse it. That will be crumbled onto. The spare orange will be segmented and caramelised to go on the side.

So basically orange thing will go into the big mould, then covered in more gnash.
Well the syrup wouldn't freeze, but on retrospect that's a good thing, consistency of cream is spot on though. and only enough for two, plus a little left over :eek:

Just built up a well instead, filled it with syrup, spread the top on and back in the freezer, till time to serve.


Is there any chance that the subject line could be amended to be a little closer to the subject matter? I almost didn't come into this thread!

Question for Acidhell2 - how big are they?

Not very, it's ridiculously rich, so you don't want a lot. Once I finish it you'll get a better idea of size, won't be long. Just served up toad in the hole and mash.
God that was rich and sickly sweet :D, think most people would struggle with that amount. certainly not for the faint hearted or diabetic.

Well pulse up the praline

coat your orange augments in sugar and place in a pan.

when they are bubbling away and sugar is just starting to darken, flip segments and remove from heat, heavy frying pans retain huge amounts of heat, so will continue to bubble and finish caramelising.

I added some more syrup underneath the orange segments, so not needed. Jam for size reference.




A couple of years ago I did something similar but with a dark chocolate and bitter coffee gnash centre. Now if you made a black bitter coffee sauce centre, the bitterness would counter the super rich chocolate.
Like the idea :) Think I'll give it a go some time later in the week.

I guess there's a few things you could do about the sweetness. Simplest one would be to use a less sweet brand of white chocolate. Another would be to make the ganache layer thinner (got to say, just looking at that I know I'd feel ill after eating it! :p), or you could try offsetting the sweetness by making the orange sauce more bitter (marmalade maybe?). Vanilla has a tendency to bring out sweet flavours in food too, so it's not doing the dessert any favours here.
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