Cooking with Jonny69: Duck Bolognese

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
Last week I was fortunate enough to nab a rather obscenely large duck reduced right down because it was on its date. Sunday it was roast duck, Monday night leftover roast, Tuesday night duck fried rice and last night I fancied pasta so Duck Bolognese it was! Basically it's Bolognese sauce with ground up duck meat instead of beef mince and ruddy enjoyable it was too :D

You will need either some tomato sauce which you can make with this here recipe or a large clove of garlic and 4 fresh tomatoes chopped up nice and fine.
If you go fresh then heat a tablespoon of olive oil or duck fat in a saucepan, add the garlic and fry for a few seconds and add the tomato. Allow to cook down for 5 minutes of so.
Add a good sized handful of chopped up leftover duck meat and allow to simmer for about 15 mins so that the duck and tomato flavours combine nicely.
Add a few pinches of fresh basil off the plant growing on the window sill and that's it.

Job done, bosh it on a plate of pasta and grate some parmesan over it and stuff in mouth. No pics because this is leftover food :)
Nice, thanks! Pics? :) It isn't important I guess, just a nice addition.
I couldn't make this look nice in a photo and my kitchen is in a right state. Didn't want another Cooking with Geeza thread :D
Umm duckkkkkk!!!!!

simple recipe, I never have any duck left over though, In fact I hardly ever have duck. It's expensive. Although I should find out how much the butcher sells it for.
Quick heads up, Duck is currently half price in Sainsburys again. See here how to cook it:

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