Cooking with Jonny69: Porkchop and black pudding with potato rostie and ratatouille

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
A delicious hearty meal from Kitchen69 last night :cool:


Pan fried porkchop and black pudding with an oven baked potato rostie and ratatouille. The ratatouille is total low maintenance food that looks like it had loads of attention, it's great for you and you can make up lots of it because it freezes well and makes a great pasta sauce.

Total cooking time is about 40-45 minutes.

Start with the ratatouille, you will need:

1/2 aubergine chunked
1 medium onion chunked
2 cloves of garlic very roughly chopped
1/2 tin of chopped tomatoes or 4-6 fresh toms cored and chunked

This will make 2 very large portions. Pop the ingredients into a suitable oven dish, give it a sprinkle of salt, a good grind of pepper and a generous slug of olive oil all over. That needs to go in the oven at 200 degrees C for about 40-45 minutes.

Now make the rostie. You need a large baking potato per person. Skin it and grate it. Take a clean tea towel and put the grated potato in the middle, bunch it up and squeeze most of the liquid out the potato into the sink. If you don't do this you'll get soggy rostie! Put the squeezed grated potato in a large bowl, season with salt and pepper and add about a tablespoon of olive oil per potato. Mix it all together and spoon into a chef ring, ramekin or pile it up into a tall heap on a baking tray. Put that in the oven with the ratatouille for about 30 minutes or until the potato is golden brown on the outside and cooked in the middle.

Pan fry your pork chop and black pudding as you like it. The black pudding adds a great flavour to the pan and soaks up all the juices from the porkchop. It works much better in this sort of dish than it does in a fry up. When cooked you can turn all the ingedients out onto your plate and get stuck in ;)

Sorry Jonny, missed this while I was out earlier. Looks nice :)


Capn' $qu!ff said:
I like all but the rattatouille

Oh come on! Ratatouille is pretty inoffensive.

I make it with chopped Scotch Bonnets added to the mix. That can make it a tad more ignorant....
Sorry Jonny, missed this while I was out earlier. Looks nice :)

No apologies needed, I was just wondering why nobody had gone bleeeeeuuuuurrrrrggh at the thought of black pudding on their dinner :D
No apologies needed, I was just wondering why nobody had gone bleeeeeuuuuurrrrrggh at the thought of black pudding on their dinner :D

It ls funny that people are commenting on the ratatouille when you have Black pudding on the plate !! other than that it looks lovely, my rostie never turn out right!
*drools* my mouth really is watering now.

*prepares to go on the prowl for food*

Does the black pudding take as long to cook as the chop?
Looks nice. What would happen if I substituted Black Pudding for Chorizo?? I dont trust non English Black Pudding here in Spain :p


Bet one could make an awesome rostie with sweet taters, taters, carrots and parsnips :D
Looks good I might post my bernard matthews dinosaurs and baked beans and curl fries later if you want? dead easy to cook....:p

No apologies needed, I was just wondering why nobody had gone bleeeeeuuuuurrrrrggh at the thought of black pudding on their dinner :D
Sorry - I needed to go and buy a new keyboard first. :p :D

Not my thing personally (my cookery skills suck) but I'm certainly impressed by the creations that emanate forth from Kitchen69. :)
*drools* my mouth really is watering now.

*prepares to go on the prowl for food*

Does the black pudding take as long to cook as the chop?
No, like Acidman said, literally a minute or two on each side to crisp up and heat through. It's already cooked :)

Does the rostie work with sweet potato?
I think it would break up, you could try 50/50 potato/sweet potato in there though.

Looks nice. What would happen if I substituted Black Pudding for Chorizo?? I dont trust non English Black Pudding here in Spain :p


Bet one could make an awesome rostie with sweet taters, taters, carrots and parsnips :D
Damn you with your chorizo suggestions, you're making me hungry again :D
Would probably work a bit better actually because the flavours of the med in the ratatouille would go really well with it. Next time :p
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