Cooking with Jonny69: Roast pheasant.

Man of Honour
Man of Honour
3 May 2004
Kapitalist Republik of Surrey
Recently I have been getting a taste for game and at the weekend I visited Portobello Road market in London. Strangely, as one of the few genuine Londoners, I've never been up there. It's basically a tat market but there are a few gem-like stalls thrown in there, some cool shops, fashion and plenty of places to get food. I spotted a butcher's stall and he had a row of ready-to-roast pheasants for £5 each. This is a few pounds less than they will cost me locally so I decided to go for one. While I was there looking at them trying to get my gloves off the man said I could have one for £4 - bargain! Sunday dinner became this, roast pheasant:


It couldn't be more convenient, packed up like a chicken, so no plucking or gutting needed. One pheasant will feed two people with seconds:


Out the pack it didn't smell too gamey. When the meat is hung for a long time it can smell like it's off and when I've had pheasant in the past it can be a bit off putting for a first-timer. This one was just right:


Oven on to 220 degrees, I wrapped the bird in streaky bacon and put in a knob of duck fat:


With this I have a Decanter magazine bronze award winner from M&S. Cabernet Sauvignon from Oc region of France which is south and sunny. Look out for this region because there are some great wines coming from there at the moment. Currently on offer at £3.99 which puts it in that price bracket which I normally avoid, but the decanter award tells me otherwise so I took the chance:


After 45 mins to an hour the bird is done cooking, it then wants to sit under some foil for 15 mins or so to rest:


While it rested I reduced down a glass of red wine with some chicken stock I'd made previosuly and frozen to make gravy. Game likes fruit and sweetness but I don't like fruit with meat so I went for a red wine reduction in the gravy and it worked well.

Carve up and serve with potatoes roasted in duck fat, roast parsnips and lightly creamed spinach with a light grate of nutmeg and you have a hearty roast dinner:


Mind your teeth on the shot ;)
In case anyone wants to know what it tastes like I think I'd describe it somewhere between duck and a good roast pork. There's a good amount of yellow fat on the bird which keeps it very moist.
I roasted some pheasant last week, was awesome. Was even better because I'd been out the weekend before and shot it :).

There's a good amount of yellow fat on the bird which keeps it very moist.
:confused: Not usually there isn't? Indeed aside from the taste, one reason for cooking the pheasant wrapped in bacon is that the fat from the bacon helps to effectively baste the bird, and stops it drying out.
I bloomin love pheasant!

Butcher local to where my mum used to work did pheasant breasts for 50p each at the end of the season. Pheasant caserole, om nom nom!
Looks nice but I've never seen a pheasant that would serve two, maybe captive/farmed birds are bigger?
Hmm, the two pheasants we had on Thursday fed four, mind you Rachel and my ex-girlfriend don't eat much. But yeah I'd agree in general, one pheasant per person.
I've always wanted to try Pheasant, but my mum had it once and nearly broke a tooth on thew shot so she'd never buy any. The g/f theinks they're too pretty to eat so I'm not likely to try it anytime soon either :(
I roasted some pheasant last week, was awesome. Was even better because I'd been out the weekend before and shot it :).

:confused: Not usually there isn't? Indeed aside from the taste, one reason for cooking the pheasant wrapped in bacon is that the fat from the bacon helps to effectively baste the bird, and stops it drying out.
Must have had a greedy lazy fat bird :D

I thought it was going to be dry but there was fat around the legs and underneath. Not covered in it like a duck but not fat free like a partridge if that makes sense.
Must have had a greedy lazy fat bird :D

I thought it was going to be dry but there was fat around the legs and underneath. Not covered in it like a duck but not fat free like a partridge if that makes sense.

I used to have pheasant a lot and it was always dry...and the shot was a right killer for teeth. :(

That looks really nice though. :)
and the shot was a right killer for teeth. :(

More for the bird!!

Gotta agree, Pheasant is a really nice meat to eat, got one myself next week when I'm back home. Generally have it with roasted root vegetables and bread sauce.

Nice meal, although personally I'd never think of adding wine to it, much too nice of a flavour to be tainted with anything else.
Waitrose keep them this time of the year but they are between £6-£7 and a bit smaller :)
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