Cookisto - homemade food delivery service

11 Apr 2003
Read about the launch of cookisto in the UK over the weekend. Essentially home cooks advertise what they are cooking for the week, and people can then order from the cook. Currently the uk website is a bit sparse, with no real idea of what is going to be on offer, but it has been very successful in Greece.

Seems a great idea to cook a couple of spare portions that someone in your area can buy.
I'm very surprised this hasn't been stomped on by some health and safety nazi banging on about food hygiene certificates and the like.
It's successful in Greece as they have a much more deep-seated sense of community than we have in the UK. From what I understand, Cookistro helped to facilitate an idea which was already well established in that country and merely brought it to a wider audience - the current state of the economy over there also played a huge part in its success.

As an idea, I like it. I know people who already do something similar, albeit on a much smaller scale and between groups of friends and acquaintances who all tend to get together on a regular basis and do foody things.

Alas, I can't see Cookisto working as intended in the UK once the general public are involved.

For starters, we have far more stringent health and safety standards - the FSA is going to have a field day with Cookisto and rightly so. You can't just decide to start cooking food from the comfort of your own home and sell it to the general public, no matter what your intentions are and how 'clean' you think your kitchen is.

And it's all well and good saying you require your members to register with the FSA, but without anyone checking up on that aspect it's a meaningless request - it won't be long before someone's incompetence makes one or more people very ill indeed.

I'd hope that the people behind Cookisto plan to have some sort of 'mystery shopper' system where they send food away for testing to ensure hygiene standards are being upheld amongst the community, as well as just making sure that people aren't taking advantage of the scheme in general.
Great idea, but you need to be registered, as you are selling food to the public, and that isnt doable for most without kitchen modification.
I could get behind it, not to order but to cook.

I wish I had crowds to cook for more often, I love cooking for large numbers of people.

Same, at the moment, most dinners are 4 portions, so my gf and I eat that night, and again for lunch the next day.

Sometimes I cook too much and end up giving 1-3 servings away at work the next day. :D
Same, at the moment, most dinners are 4 portions, so my gf and I eat that night, and again for lunch the next day.

Sometimes I cook too much and end up giving 1-3 servings away at work the next day. :D
Well I cook for one mostly, and I'm trying to limit my calorie intake because while I do pack a lot of nutrients into my food it's also high fat, high sodium cooking and the doctor is bitching at me about blood pressure.

So my old ways of cooking for 1 are more like cooking for 2 now, and I prefer to cook for larger groups, 6-8 people, sometimes more. Reminds me of cooking for my family way back when.
bet you that theres some sort of daily mail article within a month about immigrants poisoning people via cookisto
bet you that theres some sort of daily mail article within a month about immigrants poisoning people via cookisto
"I ate the curry, then my ass was watery the next day, the terrorists gave me anthrax, we should send them back because they're probably on benefits and behind Diana's death and gay sex"
"I ate the curry, then my ass was watery the next day, the terrorists gave me anthrax, we should send them back because they're probably on benefits and behind Diana's death and gay sex"

terrorists are to stupid which is why they tried to bomb america when they could have just started forest fires all over the place and caused far more damage :D
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