Coolermaster Cosmos: Good case?

30 May 2009
Coolermaster Cosmos and ATCS 840: Good cases?

Hey guys,

I am considering buying myself a Coolermaster Cosmos Black case (

Was just wondering if anyone had used this case, or the normal Coolermaster Cosmos.

It looks like a very good case, with some excellent cooling.

Good idea for this case? Sorry if I ramble. Not slept for a while.
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Styling is a big horrible for me sadly. I like plain and simple. And black. Haha. Also, I need something pretty wide to fit my Megahalems (my current case is having problems cooling my i7 as I lack good cooling).
This hasn't made it any easier. Haha. Does anyone know, if the Cosmos will have enough space to house a Megahalems in it easily enough?

The reviews on here for the Cosmos seem pretty good, as do some other reviews I have read for it on some sites. It seems to be big enough to allow good airflow, and offers enough fans to give good air intake etc.

It's just such a shame, that there aren't a lot of plain, simple cases =(

Anyone else got something they can recommend as having very good cooling, and good looks also?
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Coolermaster ATCS 840 Classic Case.

Good cooling, plain styleing, better cable mangement than the cosmos & much more sturdy than cosmos

That looks like a nice case. Good size also. And a LOT more fans it seems. I like look of that baby =D

It seems to be pretty wide, which is what I need also.
Yeah. I think this may be the one. It has plenty of fans, lots of space, removeable motherboard tray etc.

Seems to be very nice. Anyone else think the ATCS 840 would be best to go for?

Edit: Still trying to decide what to finally go for. Either a Coolermaster ATCS 840, or a Cosmos S. Leaning more towards the ATCS 840 however, because of the fan options.

Anyone with a Coolermaster ATCS 840 care to comment on how good it is?
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