Coolermaster Elite 120 / 130

18 Oct 2002
Behind you... Naked!
Quick question.

I have both the 120 and the 130

Before I go about trying to find out, does anyone know...

If I bought a new 130, does the front and the cover, transfer?


I know that might sound silly, but I am currently using a black one ( 130 ) for my Linux Machine and a white one ( 120 ) as my Hackintosh and I have just goten used to this idea, and now I am building up a new Hackintosh with an I7 and the 120 cooling just wont really be up to it.

Plus, I have a couple of disabilities and it would take me quite some time to strip these two down, to try it out, and if anyone already knows, it would save me a lot of work that may be unnecessary.
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