Cooling Atik 4000 Mono...

25 May 2012
First off, hello. Nice to meet you all.

I'll be honest, I'm not really here for the clocking stuff (interesting as it is), I'm here for some advice on whether the liquid cooling devices used on CPUs, etc could be used to cool an astro camera - specifically, this one.

Despite being capable of some lovely results, it's based on a fairly noisy Kodak sensor, and needs to be kept as cool as possible, Currently, I'm running it at -20C, but I think with a little ingenuity (yours - I don't have any left) it can be run much cooler, even at this time of the year.

As you'll see from the pictures, the camera has a couple of 4.8mm nozzles for water cooling, but no specific system exists to make use of them. I was thinking maybe just a basic pump/reservoir/radiator system from OCUK might do the trick, but what do you guys reckon?

I don't know if any of you are into this sort of thing, but here's a picture I did last night with this camera from 2 miles outside Plymouth:


Hope you like it, and thanks in advance for any help you can offer.
I don't really have much to input here except if it is watercooled it will not run any cooler than the ambient temperature therefore your temperature of -20 degrees you say you run it at currently would be cooler than anything you get from watercooling. That is unless you buy a water chiller.

Ahh thanks. So water cooling is really only intended for things like CPUs that are running at much higher temperatures than ambient. Got it. :)

Cheers, Guitarman.
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