
16 Sep 2005
What used to be a UK
In a situation where somebody passes on to you a good, though flat and lifeless photograph, and you enhance it to bring out its potential, who owns the copyright?
The person who technically has the copyright of the original piece will in that situation only have given you limited rights to alter the piece they still retain the copyright to the original and any adapted or derivative work unless there is an explicit legally binding agreement otherwise.
The person who technically has the copyright of the original piece will in that situation only have given you limited rights to alter the piece they still retain the copyright to the original and any adapted or derivative work unless there is an explicit legally binding agreement otherwise.
I did an enhancement for somebody which really brought out the detail of the original and added my own artistic license. There is talk from the owners and its fans that it should be entered in to a competition. Am I to assume that I will not be entitled to any creditable recognition for this work should it win?
Out of my depth on that one - the original copyright owner could have commissioned you to do work before submitting to a competition and depending on the terms of the competition not necessarily under any obligation to credit you - I'd assume it would come down to agreement between the two of you but not really sure.
I think you have no entitlement, but you could perhaps ask the owners if they would be willing to credit you.
I must admit I haven't a clue what you mean by "added my own artistic license". i think it would be a bit naughty if it means you added your details electronically to it.
i think it would be a bit naughty if it means you added your details electronically to it

I think he means artistically not legally. Its possible that there could be an agreement back and forth over the usage of edited work but that would have to have been explicitly agreed by both parties before any work/contract was carried out.
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