Cordova / PhoneGap

18 Oct 2002
Hi. I have been requested by my boss to start leaning how to make simple apps, with some of our websites.
I have decent understanding of Javascript / Jquery so it's not a huge leap. However I am wondering if anyone who is been using it in while knows of good add-ons/plugins to use during the process.

I have watched a few tutorials where one of them was using Jquery mobile as a dynamic data-attribute based css system.

Any helps will be appreciated to smooth out and speed up my workflow.
I haven't any specific experience of Cordova or PhoneGap as my company build all our apps natively, so can't offer any advice in that regard. However I'd advise against using jQuery mobile. It's not had a meaningful update in 4 years, and is basically dead.

Are there any alternative frameworks that are mobile driven? I don't want to use bootstrap or similar. Seems wrong to start with something that is not designed to be in an app.
I've been working on Framework7, the learn curve is fair steady for me because its based on Jquery which I am more familiar with than than plain JS, from being a front end Dev and picking it all up from plugins etc.

I have a Adobe account so can use PhoneGap build to do all the hard work of finalising the app. I've managed so far to do some page transitions, menu transitions, and get it linked to my WordPress API. Have a few hitches and have tried to on the Framework 7 forums to get some help but it's pretty inactive so no luck.

Think I need to do a few more video tutorials but with this being fairly new software there are tons of them on Youtube.
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