Corn in the husk

25 Jul 2005
Why can this not be bought any more? Alternatively if it can where?

Corn all seems to be pre husked and the top chopped off before being stuck in cellophane pairs.

The cynic in me thinks it cheaper to transport and can be sold for higher prices, however with BBQ season upon us it's a little annoying.
I've seen it in Sainsbury's & Waitrose and in the local greengrocer. It's probably only available for a short time though as its undoubtedly more difficult to store & keep it looking fresh than if its stripped & cleaned. And it's a bit early for fresh sweetcorn.
It can when in season, which will be in a few weeks, I think it's generally August iirc,
And it's also about half the price in a green grocer compared to even tesco.
They have in in waitrose at the moment.

Not any waitrose I've been in (regularly use several in the south). Sainsburies are the closest I've seen it, their finest stuff has a little bit on but still cut and packaged. I haven't been able to find a greengrocers in the area unfortunately (or at least one that sells it).

I spent a lot of last year looking as well, throughout august. Hopefully you're right though and we'll see some in the shops shortly!
There is a pick your own right near where I work that grows them for late summer harvest. I get them nearly every day when they are in season.

Waitrose occasionally has them, normally labelled extra sweet and they are.
They've had it in my local greengrocers for about 5 weeks. Assume it's imported from somewhere, but it's still tasty on the bbq!
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