Corporate Social Responsibility - a little help?

12 Dec 2005
I need to think of action that could be taken based on aspects of corporate social responsibility for microsoft, any help? I missed all the lectures, and the lessons, and this things in for tomorrow, free cookies for anyone who helps!
i also need researched evidence to show what action should be taken, why they **** do this that and the other. looks like i aint gonna get this done, and get lambasted by my tutor
It's all kind of obvious stuff.

Companies must be:-

Community minded
Socially aware

An example of this is the company my g/f works for.

I won't name names but basically what she does is go to schools, community centres etc, in troubled areas around the Midlands. She finds out what work needs to be done, then calls upon her contacts in big business to ask them for help. Not money, but time.

They will then get a team of people from said big business. They all get a day out of work, doing painting, cleaning up a litter covered sports field - all the jobs that the schools or centres need doing, but can't afford. The company gets to put on their website that they have shown corporate responsibility, which looks good when people are looking for facts about them. Everyone's happy. It's a great way of getting work done cos hey, who doesn't mind a day away from the office, in their civvies, having a laugh and actually going home feeling valued and worthwhile!

Is this the kind of thing you need to look up? Just search for "coroporate responsibility" and you should find lots out there.
thanks for the links and advice, the main thing i needed to know was how microsoft identify the responisibilites they have. cheers!
its not something that one company has. all companies *should* be corporately responsible.

maybe that's something you could discuss? the fact that some companies feel that sending a cheque to comic relief once a year or raising a couple of hundred on a "wear your own clothes" day is enough? yet others do work lots for the community.
crashuk said:
but it all comes down too what tax relief they get out of it, advertising etc.. getting the brand about.

Corporate responsibility is not about tax relief, or what the company can "get out of it".

I suggest you read up about ethics! It's got nothing to do with getting their "brand about" either.
ALLI said:
Corporate responsibility is not about tax relief, or what the company can "get out of it".

I suggest you read up about ethics! It's got nothing to do with getting their "brand about" either.
Thats what you think.
lol, i'm not going to argue with you about it. seeing as i've already said that my g/f works with companies and centres making them MORE C.R.

Tax doesn't even enter into it, as I said.

Why don't you ask one of your teachers and see what they say? You might even get some house points for using big words.

How about:

Making sure lights are turned out/Fit intelligent lighting to save electricity, thus helping/aiding combating global warming
Use power saving on PC's/monitors/printers/servers in offices, same as above.
Ensure the 'Green Office' is observered by recycling PC's/Printers/Monitors/Toner carts in an environmentally friendly manner.
Use local suppliers of goods instead of the cheapest available, thus promoting a healthy local economy
Use LPG vehicles
Use recycled paper/desks/inks etc etc in the office.
Support local education/healthcare with supply of products for free or greatly reduced cost, actively involve them in recycling process for redundant PC's etc.
Ensure their own staff are aware of their responsibility towards CSR not just the company as a whole.

for just a few starters,

/edit Forgot, also, promote yourself/your company through your efforts to be CSR

So what course you doing CSR in then? I've got to go back to Uni next year to do Health Informatics (NHS type stuff) for a degree.
Step 1 Open Google

Step 2 Type Microsoft Corporate Responsibility

Step 3 Open the top result.


top result is microsofts global citizenship with what they have done for the past three years on pdf on the right hand side

you can post me my fee when you feel like it.
If your lecturer knows his arse from his elbow the follwing approach may work.

The sole responsibility of any publicly traded company is to maximise the value to its share/stake holders, this its primary and to an extent only goal.

some plc's have acknowledged that unlike during say the industrial revolution playing the green card may increase the value of the company brand, and therefore increase the value of a firm as a whole.

DONT start saying that companies do this because they care, they dont, they want to maximise returns if that means sacrificing £x to increase their social prestige they do that based on a cost benefit analysis of whether that money was best spent invested or whether a public opinion of plc "y" being a responsible or green company is of greater value.

example : toyota prius has sold well, because lots of people want to be green, fine, but how many politicians and celebs have bought this car because when the cameras are out they want to be green, but at home have a sports car and a 4x4 and a people carrier etc.

bet you a dollar that Toyota appreciated the public opinion factor in being the first with a 'green' car on the market
[/end 2 cents]
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