Correct way to wear in ear phones?

29 Aug 2007
Should my Sony EX85 in ear headphones have the wire going from my ear downwards towards the mp3 player (in pocket) or facing up the way and then behind the ear, down the back and into pocket? The reason I ask is that, although the second way looks stupid, the phones seem to penetrate the ear far better and the volume and bass are very much more noticeable.

Am I doing something wrong or are they designed to be facing 'upwards'? i.e. the wire loops back over the ear?

Thanks for any tips :)
The ones I have the wire goes out the front, up and over the ear then tuck the wire down the back of the neck and down.
I got mine on Friday. I just put the left bud in the left ear, run the asymmetric bit around the back of my neck. and then the main cable into my coat pocket via the front of me. Isn't that standard?
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