Corrupted .MOV file (.DAT)

27 Dec 2005
I've got a corrupted .DAT file that was recorded from a 5D MK III - basically I (now stupidly I know) opened up the card flap in a rush to change cards which prevented it from finalising the video file.

I've tried various video converters with no luck and was wondering if anyone knew how to finalise the write in a binary editor (which I've got installed). I have clips from before and after to compare it to etc.

Any help appreciated!
Just to add, opening up 3 files in the binary editor (the .DAT and two .MOVs) it seems that it's the beginning that's corrupt - both the .MOVs start off with about 100 lines that are identical before changing. Just working out if I need to replace anything in the corrupt file with these or just append them.
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