Corrupted my bootcamp

1 Nov 2005
This stuff always happens to me...

Everything was fine until I created a new partition for time machine. Since then, boot camp and vmware fusion won't work.

I have since deleted the partition for time machine but it has not had any effect (tried a reboot too). When in Disk Utility, I press Verify Disk and get the following error:

"Verify Volume Failed: Invalid Request"

Any ideas? I've just got the mac and spent a good few weeks installing things and getting it all setup so really don't want to have to start from scratch
Hey mate, I realise it might be too late for this.. but I'm assuming that ALT booting still works with BOOTCAMP and it's just VMWare that's borked!

If so, you can remove the virtual machine for BootCamp, VMWare still creates one even though all the date is there and it is located in your user library:

/Users/*your user here*/Library/Application Support/VMware Fusion.

In there you will find a Boot Camp folder, make sure VMWare is closed then delete it or move to the desktop.

From here you should be able to open VMWare and create a new virtual machine for it without too much hassle. If it doesn't work restart your Mac and try again.

I've had a similar issue where Windows would BSOD in VMware for a while and this fixed it for me...I just hope it isn't too late! =]
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