I'm looking at building a new SFF PC as my old machine is just a bit long in the tooth and is due a near total replacement. In fact I've just checked and most of what's in my current machine is 6 years old!
I'll be keeping my existing SSD, HDD and graphics card, and I'm OK for an OS, but that's about it.
I'm going for the Corsair 250D Obsidian case, and a MSI Z97I Gaming AC mobo with 4690k. So I still need
CPU cooler (was looking at the H100i but a bit pricey for me)
Maybe a new PSU - I'm currently running an old Corsair 650W TX Series PSU which I've had for 6 years and is fine, but not sure if connections have changed etc.
Anything else I've missed?
The most intensive thing this will be used for is gaming (1080p) and I'll probably move it between the lounge and office, hence the desire for SFF (that and I just don't need any more space).
Thanks in advance!
I'll be keeping my existing SSD, HDD and graphics card, and I'm OK for an OS, but that's about it.
I'm going for the Corsair 250D Obsidian case, and a MSI Z97I Gaming AC mobo with 4690k. So I still need
CPU cooler (was looking at the H100i but a bit pricey for me)
Maybe a new PSU - I'm currently running an old Corsair 650W TX Series PSU which I've had for 6 years and is fine, but not sure if connections have changed etc.
Anything else I've missed?
The most intensive thing this will be used for is gaming (1080p) and I'll probably move it between the lounge and office, hence the desire for SFF (that and I just don't need any more space).
Thanks in advance!