Corsair 2Gb 3200C2PT MemTest Errors

18 Oct 2002
The land of milk & beans
Hi all

Just stuck my new machine together with 2x1Gb Corsair 3200C2PT sticks and a DFI SLi-D and I'm getting random instabilities with my memory, programs crashing, hanging during boot etc.

Anyway i ran MemTest and for tests 5 and 8 the screen just turns red, about 70 errors in one complete pass at 2-3-3-6-1T IIRC.

Slowing the memory down to 3-3-3-8-1T showed no errors in memtest, but the machine still CTD'd in Sim City 4.

I've put my old memory back in, 768Mb TwinMos at 2.5-3-3-7-2T and it's been happy as.

Are the memory errors likely to be solely down to the memory? It's the fact that there are no errors at a slower speed which is confusing me.

Any help appreciated!

Full Spec:
4400+ (normally ~30C so it's not temps)
Corsair 3200C2PT
Wireless NIC
Audigy 4
74G Raptor
I've been testing tonight and so far extra voltage, testing 1 stick at a time, different slots and single/dual channel make no difference, all have resulted in memtest errors (on different tests/passes) and unstability.

The BIOS version is the default the board came with. I'm off to dl the latest one now and see if it makes any difference.

New BIOS in, im off to stick the memory back in and memtest the fudge out of it :)
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Still got shhhhhhhhed loads of memtest errors. This crappy corsair is going back for an RMA. Never touching their memory ever again.

Can any one recommend a good substitute that definately works with an SLI-D?
You're right Sumanji, i know it can happen to any manufacturer, i just needed someone to blame for keeping me up till stupid o'clock for most of the weekend trying to fix the problem :)

Dutch Guy - the PSU is a Hiper 580w

I've requested the RMA now, so it's going back. Thanks for the help all.
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