Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2

pieman109 said:
I doubt you'll get those timings out of any 2gig set. The most I got out of that ram when I had some was 2-3-2-7-1t, and anything above that, even 5mhz higher, and I had to run 2.5-3-3-7-1t. I believe this was down to the version (theres shedloads of different versions for this memory and some clock better than others.) I got rid of mine and went back to me 2 gig PQI generic, gives me near identical performance, for a lot less cost, (£50 at the time).

I havent seen many 2gig kits with 2,2,2,5 but did see corsair 3500 hit 2,2,2,5 at 195. Think mine might get tight timings when i get my new cpu to play with. At the moment they are 2,3,2,5, 195 at only 2.6v. Not to keen on putting high volts through ram anymore. My last set of corsair died after 5months with 2.95v even though actively cooled.
chovi said:
hhhmm, il give that a try if you had no problems @

At 173 you should easy be able to get 2,3,2,5. Have a go for 2,2,2,5 at that speed. Got my new 170 today so as soon as my project handed in on monday i'll start having a go
chovi said:
yep works for me !! thats ted............benched 3d05 and ran a few super pi 4m tests which came down to 2:51:859, down from 2:53:789! ...........added a couple of hundred 03 3d0,taking to 11400 from 11200, stock gfx !! everything seems rock soild! what further benefits *** taking it to 2,2,2,5 bring ?


Wont make as much difference but should help a bit if you can get them stable. With that lower fsb i reckon they should be able to be memtest stable at 2,2,2,5. Post back with results pls
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