Corsair Fans Help

27 May 2016
I wondered if anyone could help.

I am looking to get 6 Corsair RGB Fans (2 upfront, 2 on top, one at the rear and one on my CPU cooler).

All my peripherals are Corsair and I like RGB so Icue would allow my to change lighting across all RGB devices with one click.

I have the MSI B450 Mortar Max Board and am looking at the Corsair CO-9050072-WW LL120 120 mm Dual Light Loop RGB LED PWM Fan.

I am getting confused whether they will connect to my board, how they connect and how I would control the fan speed.

Any help is appreciated.
No personal experience of them
But they may need a corsair commander module
Or whatever the exact name is
For controlling the leds anyway the fans maybe other options will do for them
You could go down that route, or you could buy these.

I've done this in my own PC.

My basket at Overclockers UK:
Total: £186.84 (includes shipping: £11.10)​

The 3 fan pack has a lighting mode pro included. You can connect up to 6 of corsairs fans to it & it plugs into a USB2 header on the board. 3 fans to each splitter, connect to the system fan headers. You can set them to PWM in the bios. install iCue, job done.
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