Corsair h60 help ?

25 May 2016
North wales
Hi guys I am on my very first PC build and I'm stuck to where do I put a corsair h60 cpu cooler into my r5 case
Please any help and even diagrams would be very helpful
Officially you are supposed to have the rear fan blowing inwards towards to the heat sink. The aim is to cool the heat sink and if you set the fan to exhaust you will be drawing warm case air over the sink. But you can have it pulling air out, what will be better depends on your exact set up. If your case has holes at the top I would say blow in rather than out but there may not be much in it either way.

How hard did you look?
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Thanks guys for your help
It's taken me half a day wondering where the radiator and fan goes on the r5 case,
Most of my friends over another forum told me not to take out the exhaust fan and the back of the case so I was searching vids online all day as to where to put the fan and rad,
So the right way is:
Leave the intake fan at the front of the case:
Take out the exhaust fan from back of case:
Replace that with corsair rad and case:

Would the corsair fan be intake or exhaust ?
Where would you put the exhaust fan I took out for the corsair rad and case ?

Sorry for lots of questions but it's getting onto my 3rd day trying to build my first PC rig and I'm getting frustrated now,
Anyone got a decent link for help to build a PC with a r5 case as I have tried to search YouTube but I am getting confused now ?
From the pictures it looks like you only have 2 choices front intake or rear exhaust. I would use it as a rear exhaust and tbh that's what most people do. It won't make any difference where you out it tbh.

Front intake - you will heat up the air before it gets into the case heating all the rest of your components. (not enough to cause concern, but nevertheless).
Rear exhaust - you have the warm air from inside the case cooling the radiator. (again not enough for concern )
Where exactly are the fans able to go? From the pictures I could only see 2 positions.

You don't Need to use it if there isn't room.
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