Corsair HXi Range

18 Oct 2002
I've been looking for a new PSU to go with my 6900xt, and have settled on the Corsair HXi, however the lack of any stock, and a certain competitor calling out this range as EOL is worrying. Does anyone know if its true or is there another decent PSU that is comparable.
The 1000W version appears to be in stock directly from Corsair. Guessing you wanted an 850W version but jumping up to 1kW to secure an item would be how I’d play it.

I’d put the end of life thing down to the other supplier not being able to get stock, in either case, it would be a good suitable supply of you can get it.
I wouldn't worry about the EOL thing. I grabbed the Seasonic TX700 fanless from them. Thats now listed as EOL too. But they have the lower end fanless models still. And Seasonic pretty much only made these available a few months ago. Far too early to be truly EOL.
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