So around 8 and a half years ago I purchased a then-top-of-the-line AX1500i PSU.
Last night it went pop. After initially thinking it took a graphics card with it, it seems the damage may be limited to 2 hard drives instead, waiting on an external caddy to test this.
Anyway, as it turns out, this unit has a 10 year warranty on it.
So, submitted an RMA, lets see if nearly a decade later Corsair
1) Honor the warranty
2) Lets take bets on what it will be replaced with.
The 2 logical options seem to either be a HX1500, or, a AX1600i.
Power wise the HX1500 is a 1-for-1 swap, however the PSU that died is from their AX line, so the only replacement is a 1600i at nearly double the cost.
Bets in OCUK, what will the replacement be?
Last night it went pop. After initially thinking it took a graphics card with it, it seems the damage may be limited to 2 hard drives instead, waiting on an external caddy to test this.
Anyway, as it turns out, this unit has a 10 year warranty on it.
So, submitted an RMA, lets see if nearly a decade later Corsair
1) Honor the warranty
2) Lets take bets on what it will be replaced with.
The 2 logical options seem to either be a HX1500, or, a AX1600i.
Power wise the HX1500 is a 1-for-1 swap, however the PSU that died is from their AX line, so the only replacement is a 1600i at nearly double the cost.
Bets in OCUK, what will the replacement be?