Corsair RAM Voltage Settings !

20 Sep 2005
Wilderness of ESSEX
Hi, i am not sure if this question is related to my BSOD ! ?

The PC Spec is
MoBo ASUS A7N8X-E vr 2.0
RAM Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2
HDD Western Digital Caviar Special Edition 160GB SATA 8MB Cache :)

i had replaced my original TwinMoss 512MB of RAM with corsair.
The manufacturer states that it can run at 2.75volts as it is aggressive RAM
Howevere my MoBo settings only go in .10 increments, not .05
So i am running the RAM at 2.7volts !
Can i run it at 2.8volts or is this harmful ! ? :eek:
The Corsair RAM comes with enclosed heat case over the RAM chips.
See Overcolckers RAM page, product reference (MY-079-CS)

many thanks
Thanks Stupido,
have you a link for the Corsair forum please ?
I will indeed check out the 2.9v issue.
I take it that running at 2.8 or 2.9v will increase the performance of the RAM !?
It is not for an OverClock issue.
I was having problems with Blue Screen of Death, which i thought might be related to the voltage of the 2GB Corsair RAM.
I thought that maybe it was hungry for power and was not performing !
I have have increased my paging file space on the C Hard drive to 3GB, so i hope this was the problem. As it was set at 760 MB when i was using 512MB of RAM, and was still to the value after i fitted the corsair 2GB.
So i will run it for a while and see what happens.
Thanks Huddy, i will try the voltage at 2.8v for a while.
I have change the paging file size on the hard drive 1.5 times more than my RAM of 2GB. So 3GB of paging size seems to have stopped the BSOD at the moment. As i have not had any thing since i changed the Paging file ! :D

I let you knoe what happens
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