Corsair Vengeance 1866mhz oc to 2100+

10 Oct 2012
I need a bit of assistance with OCing my Corsair vengeance 4x4 kit. Stock is 1866mhz.

Stock settings is according to cpu-z using XMP Through DOCP on my asus sabertooth FX990 R2.0 using all 4 ram slots(heard it may affect OCing)
CAS# Latency 9
RAS# to CAS# 10
Ras# Precharge 9
tRAS 27
tRC 48
Command Rate 2T

Would love to get to around 2100mhz but i have no luck what so ever but then again i have never really worked with OCing memory so its most likely due to my lack of knowledge.
Vengeance are well binned by Corsair so tend not to overclock too well. Along side this AMD CPU IMC are weak when using all four banks so I doubt you have mush headroom at all here. Not with daily stability in mind.
Okay thank you 8 pack for your time. If i were to buy new ram to go into a x79 and i wanted 2100+ or even 2400 mhz ram which would you recommend?
X79 2400 with 4930K any C10 16Gb Kit thats going at least 10-12-12 or for 2133mhz any 9-12-11 Kit. Team Group are making good kits in both of these areas for example.
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