Corsair Vengence v Dominator

4 Nov 2010
I'm doing a build with a 5900X
Am I right that 3600 is the best frequency to use (for good plug and play)?

I'm thinking of using a Corsair 4000x Case and icue.
I was originally looking at getting 4x8gb Vengence, but then saw the Dominator.
Is there a reason why it costs quite a bit more above the Vengence?
I'm wanting to treat myself to a new build, but also don't want to waste too much money, though RGB does look cool
if you compare the vengeance 4000Mhz CL16 with the Dominator 4000Mhz CL16 the difference is in the PCB and the RGB. Dominator has a 10 layer vs 8 layer PCB and it has RGB. They both run the same timings and voltage. Spending £30 more for some RGB wasn't going to happen for me.
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