Corsair XD5 Pump Noise Grinding

17 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
I'm having a bit of trouble with the XD5 model pump from Corsair. Those who followed my other thread might have seen that I replaced my XD3 for a D5 based XD5. I bought an XD5 from OCUK and it was making what I can only describe as a grinding noise. Think of a really old mechanical HDD at full chat, but louder.

I reached out to OCUK support who were helpful and arranged for me to return the pump for a refund. I went ahead and bought another XD5 and it's even worse! To be clear- during the prime process the pump never ran dry - not even near. I've included a video. Anyone ever had this? I really don't want to get a third pump and find I've got the same problem! As you can imagine, it's a complete PITA replacing a pump on a hardline loop. I've searched online and there are a few similar posts about this pump but the threads go cold - I'm not sure if they fixed it or not.

Under 70% the pump sounds like you'd expect, a quiet hum. At ~70% the grinding starts, 80% it goes away and at 100% it's unbearable to sit next to.

I actually stripped down the pump/res and had a look inside the pump. All looks ok to my untrained eye, and there's no debris in there.

Any ideas?

Last edited:
17 Oct 2002
Fife, Scotland
I thought I might see some debris in the pump and that's why I dismantled it. Nothing to see in the pump to my untrained eye. The 'hat' is just held on with a magnet and it spins freely.

There are actually quite a few posts online of the same noise from this pump/res.
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