Corsair XMS Cas Problem

5 Dec 2005
Hello everyone, I have got an asus A8N 32 Delux mobo and corsair XMS 3200Cpro latency 2-3-3-6. My motherboard is set to auto detect and its picking up the RAM as cas3 rather than cas2 which it should be, I can manually change the settings but was concerned as whethe to leave it or change it to cas2?

Does anyone have any experience with this problem?

Thx in advance
Maybe the sticks are handpicked and able to run tighter timings than the SPD info, manually set them to what they are rated for and test.
did manually change it, benchmarked it on 3dmark 06 set as auto, and then again manual (auto= cas 3 , manualy= cas2) and found no difference.
Blue Cypher said:
did manually change it, benchmarked it on 3dmark 06 set as auto, and then again manual (auto= cas 3 , manualy= cas2) and found no difference.
That is because 3DMark'06 is videocard limited and not memoryspeed limited.
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