Cosmos 1000 Project

13 Mar 2011
Since I am stuck with the coolermaster cosmos, for experience and fun purposes I will try to mod it a little bit, give it a fresh look. I am full of ideas but my inexperience limits my creativity...

This is the things I want to do...
1.Paint it matte black
2.Drill holes inside for cable management
3.Buy the transparent side panel
4.Drill hole at the top for triple and dual radiator

I have a lot of questions though...

If I want to paint black, do I just get the spray and start spraying all over the place?Is there a procedure that needs to be followed?What kind of spray do I need to search for?

What tool do I need to get to drill holes?The case is made from aluminum and plastic,well most of it... Any tips to get the placement of the holes right?
If I want to insert rubber gromets, do they come in specific sizes?If the do, I have to cut the holes in those dimentions...

Thanks for the help!!
I'm interested as I plan on doing a simular thing to my case at some point,

in order to paint you would probably want to sand down the case and maybe even put some primer in some places.

Cutting holes allot of people will use dremels, make sure you sand down the edges.

for marking where to cut use a masking tape and draw what you are cutting before you start this also protects the surface around it a bit.
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