Cosmos 2014

Will need theme from Vangelis too! :)

They will do it justice i'm sure :)

Not looking forwards to it to be honest.

I don't think it can possibly be as good as the original, so I'm just not expecting it to be any good, so at least I won't be disappointed if it does turn out to be junk ;)

De Grasse is probably the best man for the job now though. Hate the trailer though, I really hope it doesn't go the way I think it will! Don't dumb too much down, don't spend all the money on OTT ********. Just keep it COSMOS!

I'm sure they will keep it loyal to Sagan, but ready for the modern audience :)

Don't forget Ann Druyan is invloved again, and i'm pretty sure she will do her late husband (Carl Sagan) for those that didn't know, something that he would appreciate.:)

It will be hard to beat, Sagan just put a piece of his heart into the original.

Indeed, he left a great legacy :)
“The Cosmos is all that is or was or ever will be" Carl Sagan

premieres Sunday, March 9 Fox, i gather this is the same for uk Fox i hope.

But when he starts talking about the age of the universe and how planet earth used to look I can't help but disagree and have to turn it off. But ill watch the next episode as hopefully they talk about deep space and other planets more.

Why did you disagree though, what was wrong with the way they explained the early earth and universe.
It starts by looking at the planet earth and by Neil saying this the planet earth 260 million years ago. It looked from the image that they were promoting the Pangaea theory which i disagree with completely. I advocate the expanding/growing planet theory. Which is that the planet earth was smaller and when the planet size is reduced all the continents fit together. This false idea that the continents seemingly drifted apart like logs on water is wrong. As the planet grew by splitting at rifts, the oceans cooled the mantle. When the earth was smaller there was no oceans, only one land mass like mars looks, then as it expanded the continents were created by the splitting mantle and cooled by the ocean. This is the same on all planets and moons.

I also disagree with the idea that Einstein theory of space time. The idea that the furtherest reaches of the universe are still being created due to the big bang. To me the speed of light is not a limitation, time is static and exists everywhere in the universe. The that fact that light has not reached us from a certain point in the universe does not mean that there is nothing there. It just means the light has not reached us from that distance yet. I don't agree with the big bang theory, i advocate that there was no known singularity. that the universe grows sporadically and galaxies form out of the dark matter at random places. This idea that there was a big bang and then there was certain stages that the universe went through i disagree with. It is true that there is developmental curve for everything in the universe, everything peaks. But there was not instant where everything came to be. There was always the universe and galaxies and solar systems and planets form continuous and die continuously.

I think you need a reality check mate, strong words dissing Einstein's theory:eek:
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