Cost to develop a Crowd funding website?

18 Oct 2002
Can someone please give me an estimate of the cost for developing a web site able to accept secure payments and the cost of running ads on journals?

It will be a site where projects can be posted, and where individuals can pledge money towards the financial requirements of the work proposed.

I know nothing about the different types of payment systems on websites; which is the best suited for this? We need a system/account where the collected contributions can be deposit before being invested.

I realise you can pay thousands for development of a website but this doesn't need to be a complicated and extensive website. It just needs to be functional and relatively professional.

Thank you :)
The proposal mentions Kickstarter but states...."The proposed service though will go further combining the crowed funding model with principles used in open access publishing". I think they need a separate website rather than using a service like Kickstarter.
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LOL @ Gary - I will pass that on to my colleague.

Gord - OK that is a start. It costing thousands 'might' not be a problem I just assumed he wanted a low ball figure. Will have a brief chat about his expectations.



Didn't realise the cost of making a website these days, only recent reference I have is a friend who got hers done for £400 :p.
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Right, had a chat. The budget is much larger than I guessed. £15-25k is what I am being told. What costs should we consider in the budget?

Payment method?
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