Costing advice

6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Hi all,

I've a friend looking for an iPad app for their engineers to fill out on site instead of having to fill in spreadsheets etc.

However, I suggested that it might be a better idea to build a web solution as the iPad's are internet enabled for use in the field.

It will also allow them to look at other mobile devices, tablets etc in the future without being tied to Apple products.

Basically the requirements would be a form with drop downs, areas for typing text, times, dates etc and also for customers to sign using the touch screen. Upon completion they would be able to hit SEND, then its transformed into a PDF and emailed to the customer instantly as well as uploading to an SQL database to allow the company to track it all. So they'd need html form, php + mysql database & reporting systems built.

How much would you expect to charge a client for that? It's just my idea but I've not the time or complete skill to build it for them, however they'd like to get it priced up and not get bent over :p

Any help gratefully received :)
Last edited:
6 Mar 2008
Stoke area
Lots of valid points and info and thanks for them :)

They are pushing me to try and create something but I'm not sure if I've got the knowledge and skills to do it but a) it'd be an interesting project to brush skills up on and b) I could do with the cash :p

I'm going to speak to some local companies for them and get some quotes on the go.
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