Costs of starting up?

18 Jan 2011
South London
I'm considering starting riding at some point but would like to know the cost of what I'll likely need before taking the plunge.

I've had a full car license for 7 years now so shouldn't be too difficult learning. I'll be learning with a mate of mine, likely on a scheduled course with a test at the end (apparently he saw them going at 2 for 1 during winter???).
Ignoring the cost of the bike and actually taking a course, what do I need to get going. I fear insurance is going to be the killer, we went and had a look at a few Hondas today and insurance for me on a Honda CBR500R at the moment has come out at £1300 with a £750 excess which seems ridiculous, the bikes are only £5k!

Any help/advice would be much appreciated.

With the way insurance is these days, if I was starting out, ide just buy some disposable piece of tat, maybe a grand or so tops, & ride the bloody thing into the ground for the next couple of years to build up some much needed NCD, I really wouldn't entertain the thought of a new bike, especially if i lived in your location, which isn't going to do you any favours insurance wise.
Agreed, just buy something to have some fun on and about for a couple of years, will help you get that much needed experience and NCB down. CBR 600 or similar can be had for that money, practical, comfy built very well and can top 150 :)

TPFT is all you insurance ways as well.
Don't buy a new bike as a first bike.

Also, going against what SPG posted (sorry! :p ) I found TPFT was actually more expensive than going fully comp when running quotes on various bikes.
Thanks for the responses guys, looking into it further TPFT drops the quote by about half which is a relief!

Bike aside, how much is it worth setting aside for clothing, boots, helmet and any other extras that I may want/need?
Buy last years gear, once the new stuff comes out, and you can make some great savings.

As you list NW London and Herts as your location, Lids Direct in Watford do some great deals on helmets and other gear.
Get a bike to have some fun on do not buy new first off because if u drop it you will cry like a baby lol, my first bike was a 600 thundercat and still is 2 years later good bike and is still quick when it needs to be and gets great MPG aswell I passed at 28 and I'm sure my first years insurance was 600 for the ear is now only 180 now with 2 years NCB
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