Could someone spec me a PC please? - £550

15 Jan 2006
Hey guys,

Could someone spec me a PC for £550. All I need is the base unit.

Want it for gaming mainly so it should be able to handle all games out now and games for the future with no problem.

Could it also be as future proof as possible please so I can upgrade when necessary?

Thanks in advance.
StarShock said:
a little difficult to get a future proof gaming rig on that budget....

this it as as well as I could do, it'll need to be overclocked which is why I've put the AC freezer in there, but it will run every thing out at the moment
(if you can stretch tha buget I'd go for 2gig of Ram instead of the 1gig I've spec'd)

Ah I see, I thought that with me not needing anything but the base unit I'd have enough.

I think rather than buy now I'll save a bit.. how much do you think I'll be needing?
2-3 years sounds good yeah.

£700-£800 would only get me a reasonable PC though? :(

I want a beast! lol. So what kind of money will I be looking to spend for my system to be referred as a beast? 1k?
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