Could someone with a powerful server do me a favour?

18 Oct 2002
Leamington Spa
I'm working on a uni assignment where I have to do something in java, and for one of the questions I have to run my program on a very large data set (15MB). Due to the nature of the program (well the implementation of it we've been told to do anyway) this requires many, many times more memory than you'd expect. My 2GB on this PC wasn't enough. This is sort of cheating since we're supposed to make a better implementation for the previous question but I don't know how to do it. Don't worry I'll tell the lecturer how I did it :D. So could any kind soul who has a server with lots of memory run my program on it? It's just standard java so it should run on anything with an up to date JVM. If you can help I'll email you with more details. Thanks!
Oh and I realise this is a long shot. I imagine most people with a suitable server are using it for something and don't want to disrupt it. Figured I might as well see if there's someone that can help.
happytechie said:
if you are needing more than 2Gb to process a 15mb dataaset there is something very wrong. You increase the nmemory available to the jvm with command line options java -mx and -ms come to mind java /? for more help. You can increase the size of the JVMs memory allocation beyond the phisical amount of memory on the machine.

Well yes I know it's very wrong. It's because the question asked us to implement the algorithm using a very inefficient method. For the next question I have to figure out how to optimise it. But since I don't know how to do that I want to take a short cut.

I tried increasing the JVM's heap size beyond the amount of memory but it won't let me do it for some reason. Just says it can't allocate the memory.
Oh well I won't bother then. Don't really have time to figure out how to optimise it, I'll just leave the last two questions. We're not really expected to do the whole thing anyway but I normally try to.
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