Could Ten-Minute ‘Micro Workouts’ Be The Key To Building The Best Physique of Your Life?

The Workouts​

The three ten minute protocols below target your chest, shoulders, legs and back — building express full-body muscle. Grab your dumbbells and start a running clock. For each micro workout, perform the prescribed reps of movement one at the beginning of each minute, for five minutes, before immediately beginning five minutes of movement two.

Spread the three workouts throughout your day, ideally aiming to complete them around meal times.

When you can easily complete each five minute blast without breaking a sweat, it’s time to upgrade those dumbbells.

Micro Workout One

1. Push Press x 10-15 reps every minute for five minutes

Clean your dumbbells onto your shoulders, palms facing in. Take a breath and brace your core. (A) Dip at the knees and use your legs to help (B) press your dumbbells overhead.

2. Push-up x 10- 20 reps every minute for five minutes

Drop into a strong plank position, with your core tight and hands on your dumbbells (A), bend your elbows to bring your chest to the floor (B). Keep your elbows close to your body as you push back up explosively

Micro Workout Two

1. Front Squat x 10-15 reps every minute for five minutes

Clean your dumbbells up and secure them on your shoulders (A). From here, drop into a front squat, until your thighs pass parallel to the ground (B), before driving back up. By this point fatigue will be setting in, but focus on your breathing and keep your form tight.

2. Dumbbell deadlift x 10-15 reps every minute for five minutes

With your dumbbells to the floor just outside of your feet, hinge down and grip them with a flat back and neutral spine (A). Engage your lats and stand upright, pushing the ground away with your feet, keeping your chest up and black flat throughout (B). Lower them back to the ground in a hinging motion and repeat.

Micro Workout Three

1. Bent Over Row x 10-15 reps every minute for five minutes

Hold your dumbbells at your sides and hinge at the hips until your chest is parallel to the floor, dumbbells hanging below your knees (A). Keeping your elbows close to your body, row both dumbbells towards your hips (B), squeeze your shoulder blades down and together and lower under control to the start before repeating. Avoid using momentum from your torso and focus on squeezing your back, hard.

2. Hang power cleans x 10-15 reps every minute for five minutes

Stand tall with your dumbbells, holding them at your sides. Hinge at the hips to lower them to your knees (A). Stand back up with a slight jump, using the momentum to pull the dumbbells up on to your shoulders (B). Stand up straight, then lower under control to your sides and repeat. Keep this fast and explosive; if your heart rate doesn’t hit the roof, you’re doing them wrong.
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