Could you give this gaming HTPC the once over please?

13 Aug 2007
Bought a beefy desktop last month with Vista 64 but am having problems running old games on it. By old I mean stuff knocking on 10-15 years. Anyway, what with an Antec 900 already under my desk I thought I'd just plump for a tidy little htpc setup which I'll put XP on which had no problems playing the aforementioned games.

This is what I'm thinking of (yes, I know its vastly overspecced for what I'll be playing but I'm not going to buy a pile of junk either) :p


Fell free to point & laugh at the glaring oversights I most probably have made.

*I think the case comes with a 430w PSU as standard btw
Swap the 3870 for a 4850

Well, I'm only going to be playing stuff liek Quake 2, Max Payne, Soul Reaver, etc so that would be a serious case of overkill. Not sure I'd like something that runs that hot in a htpc case either.

why not run a dual boot vista/xp system ?

Well, I could but I'm a fussy git. I'd like one PC for whatever and another for gaming and I'd like to hook this new one to my TV. The desktop is on the other side of the room :D
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