Council tax

16 Jun 2005
In the middle
Just had the letter drop on the mat, Warwickshire 4.4% rise for us.
County council +3%
Adult social care +2%
Police and crime commissioner + 6.2% :eek:
District council +1%
Parish council -3.9% :confused:

Post your pain :p
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Most people don't realise quite how bad it is.
I hardly ever see police here. Last year I drove from S on A to the borders of Scotland and only saw one police car during the whole journey.And that was in Scotland...
The village police station closed a couple of years ago, and is now houses.
It’s because it’s a discretionary service and costs them money to collect so have shifted it to a paid service now, we’ve introduced it here from April onwards at £40 per bin per year !
Yes, and they can have their ******* green bin back. I'd rather concrete over the garden.
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