Council won’t pick up flytipped rubbish

18 Jul 2021
Land of Gin (I wish)
I can see the fridge and freezer from my home. Been there for 6 weeks. They are on a path back of terraced homes and car parking for 8 properties. Council are saying it’s on private land.

Yet my friend living a mile away under the same council lives in Victorian terraces. She contacted council about a fridge freezer dumped on path back of her property. It was taken. So what’s the difference between the two paths behind the housing?

What do I do? If the fly tipped stuff was light to move, I would have moved it to a more public area. Done that with TVs, headboards etc. These were picked up by the council. Because I moved something just 10m onto a wide part of the street’s pavement, council are able to pick it. Jobsworths!

This is why companies supplying white goods should take the old ones away. As 99% of white goods are purchased as the old ones breakdown. This should apply to beds.

I am a litter womble and want to keep my local environment nice. Just needs a few uncaring fools to ruin the place. How can people have the nerve to drive past their dumpage is unbelievable
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I care about where I live. Unfortunately some morons have no care.

They should do especially when they pay hundreds or thousands in mortgage or rent payments monthly. They spend years to save up for a deposit then don’t give a monkey about the state of their home externally
Council will not do it, the only option, contact the landowner or move it to a public footpath. you might get way with only having part of it on the footpath.
Do it soon, as others will see it and they will start dumping bags.
Don’t know who is the land owner. Unless each of the properties that have a garage or parking space co own the area.
Cops don't tend to be involved in fly tipping which might explain why they're not bothered by it. It's normally enviromental health (I think it's called) who deal with it, and may call on the police for assistance but the police themselves don't deal with it.

Given that we've had 12 years of services being cut to the marrow it's not really surprising that they're not interested in relatively smaller amounts, or where it's probably not a danger to the public/blocking public rights of way, they simply don't have the staff to deal with most of it, so they tend to go for where there is repeated dumping/signs it's being done by someone doing it commercially.
Environmental Health deal with fly tipping and search for names, addresses, invoice numbers etc. Then contact the addresses. Or find an invoice, contact the company to backtrack any more info from the invoice.

As a litter womble, I found a box of takeaway leaflets tossed under a bush. Rang the takeaway. They said they gave a couple of men to deliver in the next two villages. Which they didn’t.

Plus found stuff with people’s addresses on. A few photos of these and the pile of stuff I found them on, sent on LoveCleanStreets app. Which sent to the relevant council.
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