Counter-windows bleep

I get that noise sometimes , like a *BUMP* Noise..

I was on teamspeak once and the person i was talking to, had it on their pc at exactly the same time..

Very Odd :confused:
Isnt that caused by some accessibility option in Windows, called hotkeys or sticky keys or something?

Basically its an option to help disabled people use the pc. I am sure it can be turned off somewhere.

(Got a feeling its called Stickykeys from memory)
Roduga said:
I had it on my old PC. It was the speaker from the motherboard, not Windows itself. Disabled it and all was fine.

But it's coming from my speakers nothing on the motherboard :S

I'm not 100% sure but I don't think its sticky keys it seems to happen when I'm typing and sometimes clicking :S
Well a popup message in the corner of the screen or a different noise than what you would expect could put you off while playing, I know it used to with me when it made that tear noise whenever someone messaged me lol, that always scared me to death.
JoeBoi said:
No, I don't have IRC it could be xfire although I just thought it made the sound of tearing only
As above, it beeps when people sign in/out. The tearing noise is only when someone sends you a message (I think). Are you sure it's not a bomb-arming-like beep? :P
does it happen when you press too many keys on the keyboard at once? if you press a lot of keys and the arrow ones it sometimes causes a beep on the pc speaker.
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